法國馬賽警探Louis Schneider (Daniel Auteuil飾)因為一宗意外,失去女兒,妻子癱瘓,終日酗酒。此時市內正發生變態殺手連環姦殺案,警方束手無策。
據說導演Olivier Marchal是警察出身,本片故事改編自他曾經處理的案件,片中法國警方的腐敗大概也有幾分真吧。MR73是法國警員曾經配用的左輪手槍型號。
本片DVD封面借用了作家Fitzgerald的句子:「心靈最暗的黑夜,永遠停在凌晨三時。」我是因為這句和Daniel Auteuil購買的。觀賞本片一直只能維持在沉重的心情。氣氛有點像《七宗罪》(Seven),但是重點不在於查案過程,而是經歷傷痛的靈魂如何振作繼續生活,一顆正直的心如何苟存於充滿不公的黑暗現實。
La psychologue: You drank, this morning?
La psychologue: you won't answer?
Schneider: You can leave if you want.
La psychologue: You're not to blame, Mr. Schneider. You were just in the wrong place.
Schneider: No, I never should've been there.
La psychologue: Meaning?
Schneider: I don't want to discuss it.
La psychologue: What will you discuss?
Schneider: You believe in God, doctor?
La psychologue: Yes, or I wouldn't be here.
Schneider: God's a son of a bitch. Someday I'll kill him.