原來利物浦的「穩定先生」加歷查(Jamie Carragher)曾經於2006年的自傳中批評迪奧夫(El-Hadji Diouf)欠缺忠誠和鬥心,迪奧夫等到今時今日才還擊,不用思考那麼久吧。
迪奧夫又無意中道出了利物浦積弱的其中一個原因,就是不同種族球員的小圈子令球隊不能團結一致。從侯利亞(Gerard Houllier)到賓尼迪斯(Rafael Benitez),將一支英格蘭球會法國化、西班牙化,同種族的外援太多,註定搞出兩個圈子,曼聯、巴塞隆拿一直以本土球員為主,外援球員很少相同國籍,大都來自五湖四海,被迫融入大社群,或者是成功之道之一。
Diouf launches attack on Carragher

Blackburn are the last stop for Liverpool during the hectic Christmas period, which sees them play four games in 11 days. The game always brings emotions to the boil between Diouf and Liverpool's leading stars, with previous fixtures throwing up hot-tempered clashes with both Carragher and Steven Gerrard.
The Liverpudlian duo have both had their say on the lack of loyalty and passion displayed by Diouf during his Liverpool days, a spell in the Senegalese's career that saw him reprimanded for spitting in the direction of Celtic and Middlesbrough fans.
Carragher wrote in his autobiography: "In all my years at Anfield, I have never met a player who cared less about winning or losing. His name - along with Salif Diao - still makes even the toughest Liverpudlians shudder with fear."
Diouf has waited years to issue a reply, but he did so by mocking the talent and personality of one of Liverpool's most famous sons, telling The Sun: "If Liverpool had ten players like Carragher then they would never win anything.
"Carragher, for me, is nothing. He's like a make of ketchup or mustard to a normal person: not important. I played for Liverpool for two years and Carragher never spoke to me. That's life - some people are like that. We didn't have a team at Liverpool. We had the English somewhere and the French boys somewhere. If it's like that - you can do nothing together.
"Carragher is just a guy who loves to talk, but Caragher doesn't sell papers, Carragher doesn't sell shirts."
Diouf puts Carragher's attack down to jealousy, insisting the England international never liked the money nor attention that followed Diouf from France, where he earned the nickname 'Serial Killer'. When assessing Carragher's evaluation of him as a player, Diouf insists he prefers to listen to Pele and Diego Maradona, who both once named him in the world's top 100 players.
"When I played at Liverpool, Carragher could have talked to me then, but he didn't. He was jealous of me - that's why he talked about me. Because when I came to Liverpool, I earned more than him and I was a bigger name than him. I took my country to the World Cup and to the finals of the African Nations Cup.
"So Carragher can't criticise me because, to me, he has done nothing with his life. I'm not going to listen to what Carragher says. I listen to the big men, the greats of football."