
自問是電影迷,如果要數某導演或演員的迷──「迷」者,幾乎可以單憑此人的存在而不計較其他因素就觀看那部電影吧──我大概可以算是羅拔迪尼路(Robert de Niro)迷。

年多前窮極無聊,現實令人沮喪,自省更沮喪,無論記不記得的白日夢都早已拋諸腦後,於是阿Q地暗自訂下一個很容易達到的目標,就是將羅拔迪尼路的電影中,自他的成名作《窮街陋巷》(Mean Streets)起,稍有興趣的都全部看完,即不計新片(不是不看,是遲早問題),不計只配音不演出的,不計兒童片,不計擺明極爛的爛片,不計電視片(那麼多例外所以那麼容易)。雖然其中某些已經印象模糊,總之今天順利完成啦。


2011 Limitless

2011 Manuale d'am3re

2010 Little Fockers

2010 Stone *

2010 Machete *

2009 Everybody's Fine *

2008 Righteous Kill *

2008 What Just Happened *

2007 Stardust

2006 The Good Shepherd *

2006 Arthur et les Minimoys

2005 Hide and Seek *

2004 The Bridge of San Luis Rey

2004 Meet the Fockers *

2004 Shark Tale (voice)

2004 Godsend *

2002 Analyze That *

2002 City by the Sea *

2002 Showtime * 

2001 The Score *

2001 15 Minutes *

2000 Meet the Parents *

2000 Men of Honor *

2000 The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle

1999 Flawless *

1999 Analyze This *

1998 Ronin *

1998 Great Expectations

1997 Jackie Brown *

1997 Wag the Dog *

1997 Cop Land *

1996 Marvin's Room *

1996 Sleepers *

1996 The Fan *

1995 Heat *

1995 Casino *

1995 Les cent et une nuits de Simon Cinéma

1994 Frankenstein *

1993 A Bronx Tale *

1993 This Boy's Life *

1993 Mad Dog and Glory *

1992 Night and the City *

1992 Mistress

1991 Cape Fear *

1991 Backdraft *

1991 Guilty by Suspicion *

1990 Awakenings *

1990 Goodfellas *

1989 Stanley & Iris *

1989 We're No Angels *

1989 Jacknife *

1988 Midnight Run *

1987 The Untouchables *

1987 Angel Heart *

1986 The Mission *

1985 Brazil *

1984 Falling in Love *

1984 Once Upon a Time in America *

1982 The King of Comedy *

1981 True Confessions *

1980 Raging Bull *

1978 The Deer Hunter *

1977 The Godfather: A Novel for Television (TV mini-series)

1977 New York, New York *

1976 The Last Tycoon *

1976 Novecento *

1976 Taxi Driver *

1974 The Godfather: Part II *

1973 Mean Streets *

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